Still, while it may not have encompassed a lot of time, it was still a nice thrill ride while it lasted. Make it a bit longer and give me a more complete story and I would have probably said it was better than its predecessor. So, I would probably say I enjoyed this one about the same as the first game. This part worked as I enjoyed this little fella's commentary as we went from area to area killing all those who came in our path. The darklings are not used as much this time, instead, you only have one darkling that seems to have a bit more personality of his own. Quad-Wielding Chaos - Slash, grab, and throw objects and enemies with the Demon Arms while simultaneously firing two weapons, adding a new dimension to the FPS category.

So no snake sneaks and kills, but lots of tentacle kills and gun play. Key Features - 4-Player Co-op Campaign - Play as one of four unique characters each capable of wielding weapons infused with Darkness powers. This one does not rely on stealth as much as the first game did as it is mainly go through a level and take out the bad guys in the most gruesome ways possible. The game play is pretty standard first person with the addition of Jackie's dark powers. Jackie, though, still thinks about the love of his life constantly and there are times he begins to question his own sanity. Soon Jackie is off trying to find the identity of his attackers as he must go into a rival's territory, a brothel and other places as a strange cult tied to the Darkness is found to want to reclaim its powers. Unfortunately, he becomes the target of a hit at a restaurant and the only thing that can save him is that dark voice that pleads with him to unleash its powers. He has also managed to keep the Darkness at bay and repressed it. He is now head of the family and things are going about as well as can be expected considering he has lost the love of his life. The story picks up a couple of years after Jackie's epic assault on Paulie. This one leaves the gamer hanging and from what I have seen no sequel to bring a close to a grand story this game was setting up. One where a sequel could be introduced, but did not have to materialize. The first one ended in a way that was satisfactory. Though looking at amazon I saw no trace of a The Darkness III game so if I do have a complaint it is the fact that this game did end abruptly and it ended in a fashion that if a sequel is never made there will be no closure on the story. However, the game simply ended and then I get some credits and a scene that implies there will be a sequel. Then it ended and I was a bit stunned as I was thinking there would be more for sure.

As I was playing through it, I did not understand why there was so much negativity for this one as I was having a blast and really getting into the story. I had heard mainly negative things upon its initial release that made me stay away from it until I could snag it for a low price so I got this game for a very small sum. I really enjoyed this game for the most part.